Tips & tricks for separation anxiety:
1) practice being separate during the day – encourage independent play so he reaps the internal benefit of being on his own. The more you can help during the day, the better can can learn to cope at night.
2)Create a positive sleep environment – play regularly in his room so he can associate positive memories with it. Don’t use this space as a time out punishment.
3)Follow a consistent bedtime routine – chaos & unpredictability make toddlers feel more anxious. Consistency can bring a reassuring familiarity.
4)Stay calm & confident – the way you feel, rubs off on them. Project calm and confidence so he can see and feel it. This will reassure him that he is safe.
5)Comfort your child – reassure him that he is well & safe. Acknowledge his emotions as valid feelings. Show empathy ❤️ Encourage him to think of something that made him happy.
6) Don’t sneak out of your child’s room – doing so confirms his fear that you’ll disappear. Make sure to give a sweet goodbye, I’ll see you later.