Calling all newborn mamas! One of the hardest parts about the early newborn days is when your tiny babe has their days and nights mixed up. Follow these steps to get things straightened out!
⏱️ Limit any 1 single nap to a max of 2 hours. Breaking up their sleep in the day, even if just for 15 minutes of wakefulness is helpful in signaling the brain that this IS daytime!
🔊 Nap them in darkness with loud white noise.
☀️ Expose them to some natural light in between naps. Get outside! Great for development and sleep.
🌑 As you near the end of the day, lower the lights and sounds in your house to help minimize stimulation.
✨ Create a 5-10 minute routine that is very soothing, (think lullabies in dim lighting while rocking them, or a gentle massage) before nighttime sleep. This helps wind their body down for sleep and your consistency with the order of the routine becomes powerful signals to their brain that sleep is coming!